Tuesday, November 18, 2008

1 yr. down.

I can't believe its been a yr. already.  I'm surprised that I've kept it up this long.  The pic above is where it all started.  Everything I needed was in this picture...oh those were(n't) the days...

The ironic things is I started this blog 3 days after niki and we weren't even talking to each other then...


The Author said...

omg...what did u make out of the altoids tin?

Dre' Leon said...

lol...yea the altoids tin is actually a mini amp...my last computer didn't get loud enough for me so i bought an amp to help. its pretty nice and works really well...

oh yea i didn't make it by the way...i bought it..but i heard they are not hard to make IF you have the right equipment.

just google altoids amp and a bunch of links should pop up...

Stew said...

i did not even see the altoids tin before i read the first comment. the amp does not blow the speakers on your computer???

congrats on the 1 year mark. im close behind you