Friday, March 20, 2009

Cucumber Soap

one year ago today i took this was the day i figured out that i was allergic to something.


my skin didn't agree w/ this soap at felt like ants were crawling all over good.

its funny b/c i usually take a lot of pics, especially when i'm in the mood but this was the only picture i took that day...


Niki McNeill Brown said...

aaaw man! i didn't kno it was cucumber soap! you love cucumbers...

Dre' Leon said...

yea that is exactly what i thought when i bought it...

i saw it and i thought "man i like cucumbers...maybe i'll like this soap too!"

not quite.

Tay B said...


Surprising Some and Shocking the Rest ... said...

I feel your pain lol! I once tried to give myself an at home spa treatment... using facial creams and put cucumbers on my eyes.... next thing I knew, my eyes were swollen, red, and itchy... bad idea. .... it's something evil about cucumbers lol!

Stew said...

is it the cucumber, or is it something else in the soap that you were allergic to

Dre' Leon said...

nah i'm definitely not allergic to cucumbers...i've been eating them all my it had to have been something in the soap...not sure what ingredient tho...