Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Harpo's Recession Antidote?

People have been sending me text messages and emails about this all day...

So apparently Oprah's buying (COUPON) everyone a 2 piece meal at KFC. Important to note: you can print the coupon up to four times...

a few thoughts:
-Internet, computers, printers, and ink cartridges sell out across the country.
-While the stock for pigs continues to plummet, the stock for chicken goes through the roof.
-At the end of this 2 week special, in order to recover KFC will no longer sell food (chicken), they will only sell drinks the for 2 years.

and this is what KFC will look like for the next two weeks...

"No Chicken?!? Or are they just outta chicken?"
~A hungry man on a cellphone in a SUV at the drive thru.


Niki McNeill Brown said...

LOL Yea 3 people told me this today too....And all I could think about was that video from Popeye's lol

Stew said...

oddly enough, one of the white guys in my program told me about this. i have not heard about this from a single black person yet.

well except for you of course.

oprah is a genius for this though.

Lorin said...

LOL this is so funny. Oh upstate NY...didn't people think about going to the damn grocery store and eatin some vegetables?!?!

The Author said...

hey...it was grilled chicken and it was actually VERY good. my friend and i sho did get us sum chicken!

what's funny is the current commercial running on BET alerting black consumers that "because of the overwhelming response. they will have to get a rebate." ....classic