Saturday, June 6, 2009

End Times by Jill Greenberg

Photographer Jill Greenberg's series of photographs called "End Times" features children crying. The children are provoked by Greenberg taking away their candy or toys. This technique is known as "manipulation." The idea for this exhibit came to Greenberg when she was shooting a little boy who wouldn't stop crying. She was captivated by his face that she describes as "appalled."

Many critics have spoken out against Greenberg, saying that she is abusing children in the search for a good photograph. Greenberg rebuffs these statements: "The people who are criticising weren't at the shoot and all the mother's were fine with it." When criticized for making children cry, Greenberg reminds viewers that this is "the exact technique used in ads and movies and TV."








For more of Jill Greenberg's work click HERE


Stew said...

my favorites are the second one, and the second one from the bottom. that's real emotion there

The Author said...

i remember the criticism around his photographs...i dunno what to think. However, i cannot acknowledge the technique, lighting, and imaging. AWESOME!

The Author said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG this is too funny!