Thursday, August 13, 2009

Alive in Jo'burg / Subscribe to J.T.'s blog

District 9 is coming out tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to seeing it! I probably shouldn't have but I've read a lot of articles (reviews, background info) on this movie and I hope I didn't spoil it...

The movie is based on Director Neill Blomkamp short film called Alive in Jo'Burg. Peep the vid below...

Speaking of movies, my friend/brother/comrade, J.T., just set up a blog talking about any/everything related to movies. Although its in the beginning stages, but knowing J.T. he will keep you entertained and keep you thinking w/ post to come. So check out/comment/subscribe/follow my brother from another mother's blog out HERE


Niki McNeill Brown said...

whaaat? we BOTH posted on our blogs today? what's goin on! lol

i'll subscribe to JT's right now... can't wait to read it :)

J.T. Boyd said...

Dude this is hot! I just love the originality! THIS guy is a genius! His short film was awesome! Great Low budget peace of work!