So for the past 2.5 weeks I came up w/ a few (good & bad) post ideas. Besides coming up with post ideas, I have watched a few movies, old and new...
two of last movie I (re)watched:
One of Al Pacino's best...Serpico

I swear, Leonardo Dicaprio acting was so good in this movie...i thought he was really mentally handicap'd! I mean look at him in the video cover above, definitely the look of a "window licker". oh yeah J. Depp did a good job as well as the lady who play'd his mom...
I want to see Hancock movie but i have read/heard mixed reviews on it...most of them leaning towards the "Damn the hype, this movies blows..."
oh yeah WANTED sucked! and u r not a lame a$$ if you like it...
I should've seen Wall-E instead...96% freshness rating?!? hmm...
Thats it for now...Stayed tuned.
i'm outtie 5 g's
~kid a.
whoa!!! whoa!!! whoa!!!
what sucked about WANTED?
i am not understanding. that was a quality movie. i am starting to think that you hold EVERY movie up to the same standards, if you do that then every movie is going to suck.
it didn't live up to the hype!
Great action movie w/ great special effects and fight scenes! the plot and characters not so much! at first it was entertaining but then it got a little riduculous and tiring...not b/c of the action scenes but b/c of the simple and 1 dimensional story/characters.
The most interesting thing about Wanted is that its protagonist is one of the most unlikable action heroes in memory.
my better half (niki) said "It really good, someone said it was on the level of the matrix..." all of this was said prior to both of seeing it.
after hearing this, am i wrong for having high standards for the movie.
damn....well you got me there (the matrix thing)
i put this movie in the action movie category and compare it to other action movies. (matrix has more of a sci-fi element)
as a side note to the matrix reference, people were comparing it to the matrix because some critics were saying that the special effects and stunts were on the level of the matrix. meaning that you would be sitting there going "wow i never seen that before"
That window licker thing had me cracking up!!!! LMAO!!!! Classic. Window licker. My laugh was def NSFW! Whew.....
yea! see stewie got what i meant about the matrix! i didn't mean the plot, i was referring to the special effects.
i'd go see it again, i loved that movie! now "Hancock" on the other hand..... TERRIBLE!
i've never seen "Serpico"... might have to check it out!
dead @ window licker. but thats why u ma buddy!
@ autumn: i got the term "window licker" from niki. it is pretty funny. at first i thought she said "window looker", the kid with that stare looking outta the window on the school bus. lol...i guess that could work too.
@ niki: thanks for the heads up on HANCOCK, definitely will not see it.
Serpico, isn't a movie for everyone...1st time i watched it i thought it was boring as hell. the thing i like about the movie is how al pacino (style, clothing, acting) not so much the pace, plot and/or direction of the movie...
@ detroitrockcity: lol, dead huh?
Come on...I had been planning on going to see Wanted, Hancock, and Hulk. You just killed my spirits. I will go support the movies nonetheless. I heard mixed reviews about the movies also. I guess I have to go judge for myself.
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