Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Concerto Update!

Just found out that today concert not only feature...


but also....

I was pretty upset when i missed her the last time she was in town (w/ Gnarls Barkley)...but now I'm getting a second chance!! I'm glad she joined the show!!!!


kit von b. said...

i hatechu.


Stew said...

who is the chick at the bottom?

Dre' Leon said...
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Dre' Leon said...

@kb: lol, yea i missed her (and n.e.r.d) the 1st time around...i'm not gonna miss them again!

@stew: that is janelle monae'

Adrianne M said...

i'm surprised she looks kinda "sexual" here, she usually strays away from that. hmm whatev.