Monday, October 27, 2008

Mac or a PC?

My computer died on me about 2 weeks ago...which is one of the reasons why my posting has slowed down.

So i'm back on the market and looking to "invest" in a new computer that'll last for a while. I'm on the fence between getting a pc or getting a macbook...its been a pretty hard decision b/c there are several factors involved. the biggest factor is $$$.

ironically the new macbooks dropped the day after my computer died...go figure...but w/ a $2000 price tag i had to shift gears and I tricked myself in believing what i repeated to myself that night as i fell asleep "I can go a few days (weeks) w/out a computer."

man i was wrong that worked until i woke up the next morning. these last 2 weeks have been horrible and painful...i didn't realize how dependent i was on my computer: paying bills, talking to niki, blogging, shopping...

Mac or a PC? each has their pros and cons and i'm still weighing them...


Adrianne M said...

yea! my laptop broke right before i came to school this year too!!

it's really hard to do research (or watch movies in bed) with a desktop!

i want a mac soooo bad, so you can guess what my vote is

Adrianne M said...

yea! my laptop broke right before i came to school this year too!!

it's really hard to do research (or watch movies in bed) with a desktop!

i want a mac soooo bad, so you can guess what my vote is

Stew said...

i just got a mac book at the beginning of the school year, and i must say that i use it more than my pc now. it all depends on what you are looking for. the mac is fun, and easy to use, but if you are like me and you get alot of programs and stuff offline then it is going to be a little harder with the mac.

you cannot just go out and download exe files anymore. you have to find programs and stuff that are made for the mac. you will be surprised to see how much stuff you want to put on you mac that you had on your pc, that is not out there for your mac, or you are going to have to pay for.

but i will say that i have really enjoyed the mac so far

Niki McNeill Brown said...

@stew ---> the macs we use here in Italy have a "virtual pc" program which allows u to install .exe programs on ur mac.... u should check it out!

The Author said...

macs r hard to get used to, but its the best piece of technology, outside of my crackberry, that i really enjoy! too bad ur computer didn't go out sooner, macs are cheeper right before school and u get an bout 10 more months? lol

happy searching!!

The Author said...

macs r hard to get used to, but its the best piece of technology, outside of my crackberry, that i really enjoy! too bad ur computer didn't go out sooner, macs are cheeper right before school and u get an bout 10 more months? lol

happy searching!!

Dre' Leon said...

@adrianne: yea if anything i will get a laptop...whether it is a macbook we will see..but i definitley want one!!!!

@stew: yea i heard finding software for a mac isnt as easy as it is for a pc. i used to get all my programs for "free"...ironically it was a "free" program that killed my ended up being a virus!!!

@niki: yea i saw that...i know mac's program called "boot camp" lets you run windows on your mac. but to be honest...i'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing...

@d.son: i was playing w/ the new macbook pro's in the store the other day and it looks like the new trackpad will take some getting used to. yea i heard that the macs were cheap(er) in august...and they came w/ a free ipod?!? dayum....i missed out. and i definitely cannot wait 10 months!!! lol

1/3 said...

I couldnt imagine not having at least a desktop...that would be no aim, blogger, facebook, etc..i might go crazy..well maybe not crazy lol

I think you should stick with a pc..ive heard of compatibility issues with macs...either choice is fine tho.

ShardonaySays said...

i vote pc cuz i got a vaio