Sunday, December 7, 2008

"The Greatest"

One of my favorite movies, Ali, by one of my favorite directors, Michael Mann.

I always find inspiration when I watch this movie. Don't worry it doesn't make me want to pick up a pair of boxing glove...I was thinking more along the lines of filmography.

Great movie...check it out!


Stew said...

to be honest i have not seen this movie all the way through. this is the only will smith movie that i have not see from beginning to the end.

also i did i not know Mann did this. i thought he was more of a "bang bang blow shit up" kind of guy

Dre' Leon said...

when i think of "bang bang blow sh!t up" kinda of director i think of Michael Bay or Jerry Bruckheimer...

I feel as though Michael Mann is more poetic in his films...

but i'm a little bias b/c he is one of my favorite directors...

but yo you need to check this movie is one of will smith's best performances!!!

zsamurai said...

i really fucks with your blog.

the shit is tuff

i was reading it for like a hour now lol

good stuff

Dre' Leon said...

thanks chinkii! welcome...i'm glad/surprised i kept your attention past the first